Today Sheryl Steines, author of "The Day of First Sun" has been kind enough to stop by the blog to share her inspirations with us!

It started with Nancy Drew. I remember riding my bicycle to the library
and then locking myself in my room with that day’s book. I was a voracious reader. But at the same time, I didn’t just want to
read the story, I wanted to write it, and wished like mad, that I had come up
with it.
So my seven year old self, who had an
overactive imagination, daydreamed a lot.
Eventually characters were born and a story followed. And somewhere along the way, I started to
write my own detective stories.
Sometimes, life pushes and pulls. Sometimes we stay on the track we plan for
ourselves, sometimes we stumble a bit or sometimes, we’re pushed off. You know the job, the kids, the PTO meetings
and I forgot the dream I once had. It
was as if I forgot how to use my imagination, get lost inside of it and I
forgot how to dream and create. I still
read, but writing, I just couldn’t do it.
And then, I discovered Harry Potter.
My kids were too young to have read Harry
Potter and it was just by chance that I had heard about the books. I was deeply curious to find out why kids of
all ages chose to spend hours at a time, in line, waiting to purchase a book. So, I read them and I was hooked.
I was hooked for several reasons. I could start with good writing, good story
planning, fabulous characters or inventive use of Greek Mythology. It was a combination of those and JK Rowling
herself. Her life story was
impressive. Her rock bottom brought her
to the point of writing Harry Potter.
The books reminded me how much I loved the fantasy novel, her life
inspired me to do what I hadn’t done yet, and that was to write my own novel.
Writing a novel had always been a
dream. Actually, it had been number 7 on
my bucket list. I was in between jobs, unsure of what I wanted to do and then I
remembered. The funny thing is, I was 41
years old when I remembered. And the
decision to write my first book was, by far, the best decision I had ever
made. So after living with the
characters in my head for awhile and developing their stories, I had, as it
turned out, my first book, The Day of
First Sun. A Young Adult, modern day
fantasy in which the heroine and hero are Wizard Guards, magical police
officers who protect magic and keep it secret.
I wrote for them, a murder mystery, in
honor of the first books I loved. Being
that they are wizard police, the opportunity for these characters is
boundless. I loved the story line. I
loved the chance to turn them into a series, to tell their stories in
full. My next project in The Annie Loves
Cham series is She Wulf, the continuation
of Annie and Cham, their relationship as it changes, and their growth as Wizard
Guards. My intention was to put them
into a completely new situation and see how they faired at the end of their new
adventure. I’m proud of them and the
direction that the series is taking.
I chose not to regret the course my life
took, though sometimes I wish I had written the book sooner. But sometimes we have to take advice from the
strangest places and move on. As I secretly
wished I started the process sooner, Katy Perry sang in Firework,
“Maybe you're reason why all the doors are
closed -- So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road” Katy
I realized, I hadn’t been ready to
undertake the process of writing a novel.
When I was ready, I did. I thank
the other writers who came before me, both novelists and songwriters too. Without them, I wouldn’t have had the
childhood I had, and the dreams I had.
And this path never would have come before me. They came before me, inspired me to do more
than just read. They inspired me to imagine
and create. And to them, I am forever
About the Author:

Sheryl’s series Annie Loves Cham is full of surprises and mystery. Refusing to be restricted by genre Sheryl has taken the characters she loves and set them in new situations which test them and their friendships.
The second book in the series is set to release in late summer 2012. Sheryl can be found on Twitter, Facebook, or her blog. She also encourages her readers to email her and let her know what you think of Annie and Cham!
That's a powerful cover image. Very eye catching.